Note1 WELCOME TO THE RED DWARF DISCMAG #1 MASTpageA Note1 WELCOME TO THE RED DWARF DISCMAG #1 Button1 RDmag#1:sometext Click here for discmag information Button2 Click here to get this show on the road! Button3 RDmag#1:HELP! HELP!!! "Menu" Note1 Button1 The characters Button2 The cast Button3 The episodes Button4 FAQ`s Button5 "Index 1" Note1 Button1 Letters Button2 Comment from `Moi` Button3 Artwork Button4 FAQ`s Button5 Stories "Index 2" Note1 Button1 Button2 Next Time "Index3" Note1 The Characters This page runs in tandem with the cast. Every issue a character will be profiled and the actor/actress will get the same treatment in The Cast section Dave Lister David Lister is the last human being alive. He joined Red Dwarf as a quick way to get back to earth, after spending eight skint months stranded on Mimas, one of Jupiter`s moons. He was put into stasis for smuggling his pet cat, Frankenstein, on board. While he was imprisoned an accident caused by his Button1 Click here for facts about Dave Lister "The characters1" Note1 roommate Arnold Rimmer flooded the ship with Cadmium II radiation and killed everyone but Lister, who was frozen in time by the Stasis field. The ships computer, Holly sent the ship travelling out of the galaxy and into deep space to protect the planets from the blast. Lister was freed when the radiation calmed down, 3,000,000 years later. Lister`s favourite past times include eating curries, strip poker, eating curries, female topless boxing, lager and eating curries. He was born in the 23rd Century, although the exact date is unknown. He was found under a pool table in a box and instantly adopted. His stepfather died when he was six, and at the time everybody gave him toys, so he remembers wanting more people to die, so he could complete his lego set. His Grandmother told him Dad had gone to the same place as his goldfish, so he spent a number of years believing they`d flushed him down the bog. He is a fanatical London Jets Zero-G football team suporter and he planned to name his sons Jim and Bexley after his hero, roof attack player Jim Bexley Speed. "The characters2" Note1 attack player, Jim Bexley Speed. And he did, when he gave birth to twin boys, after being made pregnent by Deb Lister , his female counterpart in a parallel universe Red Dwarf accidentally visited. Button1 Back to menu "TheCharacters3" Note1 FACTS AND FIGURES:- David Lister FULL NAME: David Lister (Including time spent in stasis) 3,000,027 SPECIES: Human ("Or a very close aproximation") RANK: Third Technician LIKES: Curry, kippers, curry, DISLIKES: Arnold Rimmer, Pot Noodle, "Taranshulas" ACHIEVEMENTS: Giving birth to twins, playing pool with planets, outliving the rest of the human race by a few million years. FIRST LOVE: Kristine Kochanski (Not the first, but his most important) CURRENT OCUPATION: Bum Button1 Back to characters "Listerfacts" Note1 The Cast See `The Characters` for details. Craig Charles Craig Charles was born in Liverpool. He admits `If I could be anything, I`d be a footballer`, and did pretty well, playing for both Tranmere and Liverpool youth teams. His first taste of fame was at 19, when he hijacked a DJ`s mike at a nightclub and ranted a 10 minute poem. He gained a solid reputation from a regular slot on Saturday Night Live as well as hosting other shows such as Them and us, Craig goes mad in Melbourne . In 1993 he wrote his first book, The Craig Charles Almanac of Total Knowledge. Recently he has also presented Cyberzone , introduced a series of sci-fi films for BBC2 and an introduction to C4`s Sci-fi Weekend "TheCast1" Note1 and an introduction to C4`s Sci-fi Weekend . He has also starred in an episode of The Bill as a teacher worried about drug abuse. On Red Dwarf side he says he will keep working as long as the scripts are good and he doesn`t mind what the writers are doing to his character. He isn`t very keen on autograph hunters and tries to lead a normal life. The thing has recently catapulted Craig into the press is that he was accused of rape, charged and spent nine months in jail waiting for his trial. He was aquitted and spent a while afterwards campaigning for the right to anonyminity for men accused of rape. He admitted, on the night he was accused of rape, taking drugs, but swears he has not touched anything since and will never in the future. Button1 Back to menu "TheCast2" Note1 Red Dwarf News Red Dwarf writers, Rob Grant Doug Naylor have split. On an interview on Talk Radio UK on 31/10/95 Doug spoke of plans for two new series` and a Christmas special for `96 but new writers would be working. Doug will stay on as a writer and producer and it is possible that Robert Llewelyn (Kryten) may write some episodes. Another change is that Ed Bye, producer of series` 1/4 will return to the crew. Rob had already wished to write a book alone, which will be coming out in `96 and it seems he wishes to back away from the show, and maybe branch out into other areas. Also on 31/10/95, Chris Barrie (Rimmer) said on The Big Breakfast that he will work on the new series. Button1 Back to menu "News1" Note1 ***TITLE OF EPISODE*** This is the first of your sections. I would like you to send a review of your favourite episode and the best lines of it. Some suggestions: BACK TO REALITY: "Duane Dibbley?!?" OUT OF TIME: "The tin opener he used to pick his ears clean, SOB!" HOLOSHIP: "Twice a day, thats more than some people manage in a lifetime! Er, I mean sad, lonely people." Button1 Back to menu Button2 Back to menu "Episode1" Note1 ***LETTERS*** This is another section which I can`t run without your help. If your letter is larger than 1 page A4, and it does get displayed it will be a text file, like the HELP!!! at the start. Topics for debate: Will Red Dwarf be the same without Rob writing? Do you think less of Craig Charles after the rape accusations? Do we really care about mistakes in episodes? What would you change in Red Dwarf? Button1 Back to menu Button2 Back to menu "Letters1" Note1 ***ARTWORK*** Pictures of your artwork will be shown here. I`d like to keep the files to IFF only, so everyone can use this program. Cartoons can also be sent, but no animations, sorry. I MUST have art in IFF on disk, as I have no digitising facilities at all, which is why screenshots from the TV show would also be appreciated. Button1 Back to menu "Artwork1" Note1 Comment from `Moi` In my opinion the shock news of Rob`s split from the Grant Naylor writing team isn`t that much of a shock. His need to write a book by himself showed something was wrong, and for them to attempt a joint TV show if one of them isn`t happy for them to write a book would have led to problems. Apart from that, most news is good news. After fears Chris Barrie would pull out after seeing provisional scripts he has confirmed he is taking part, and although Craig Charles admitted taking Cocaine he has said he was stupid and that he`ll never do it again, and after all he`s been through the media ought to stop their criticism and agree with his point to give anonyminity to rape defendants. Maff Button1 Back to "Comment1" Note1 Stories Here is where your stories (and possibly one of mine) will appear. If they are of any largish length they will probably appear as text files. If you wish your stories to be serialised, please send the parts as seperate text files, in fact I don`t mind if you send me the parts every two months, but make sure you get them to me at least two weeks before the next issue is due, but please limit stories to four parts, I don`t want any `neighbours` sort of on-going stories. Button1 Back to menu "Stories1" Note1 Frequently Asked QuestionS This is the spot where I will answer any question you have about Dwarf . Any question (Apart from stupid time questions, like how many minutes of talking has Lister had?). Some examples of what I mean... What is the Cat`s real name? "He doesn`t have a name, we just call him Cat" said Lister in Dimension Jump (Series IV) Why doesn`t Red Dwarf ever run out of fuel? At the front of the ship is a huge scoop, which sucks in Hydrogen from space. The ship runs on this. What does Lister`s insult towards Kryten, `Tetchy` mean? Tetchy means irritable or touchy, and Kryten was certainly `Tetchy` about being called `Tetchy` Button1 Back to Menu "FAQ`S1" Note1 ***Next Time*** Rimmer/Chris Barrie in profile Info on local groups and official RD fan club. Plenty of letters, art and at least one story from YOU! (I hope!) Smakibbfb, Maff Button1 Back to "Nexttime1" dh3:deluxepaintIII/dpaint DH2:WORKS!/SCRIBBLE! diamond.font diamond.font